Years ago, I owned a pair of brown, flat shoes and a pink t-shirt. They were “Faded Glory” -branded (at the time, i didn’t know). I wore the shoes to an event one time, and that was how I noticed the brand name. While I was walking to the venue, I felt something in my right shoe, like a pebble. Initially, the discomfort was manageable. However, it became nearly unbearable, so I stopped and got rid of the pebble. It was then I really saw the brand name.
The name sounded someway, but since I was already running late for the event ,I didn’t give it so much thought, but still had it at the back of mind.

Some time passed, and I was washing this pink t-shirt of mine. Before hanging it on the drying line, I turned it inside out, and spread it on the line. Just before I walked away, I saw the back of the neck (where you usually find the brand name & size), and realized it was the same brand as the shoes.

I went back to take a closer look at the shoes, just to be sure. After confirming, I took the wet t-shirt off the drying line and the shoes to my mother and showed her the brand names.

In typical African mother fashion, she zoomed into full prayer warrior mode. This woman laid hands on my head and started making declarations of all sorts; “your glory will not fade in Jesus name”, “nobody can steal your glory in Jesus name”, etc. I stood there, with the wet t-shirt and pair of shoes in my hands, repeatedly saying “Amen“.

While a part of me was saying, “what’s the fuss about? It’s just clothing, it’s not that deep“, I recalled wearing the said pair of shoes to an interview a year ago or so, and they bounced (rejected) me; that was when I refused to believe that it was just clothing. “I took it world cup” (i didn’t take it lightly). Those two clothing items were part of my favorites, but I threw them away. I won’t even lie, it was difficult for me to let them go, but I had to.

After that experience, I became more conscious of the kind of things I bought and content I consumed. It is the reason why till today, I can’t listen to or sing Asa’s “Jailer” (although I adore Asa), because that “I’m in chains, you’re in chains too” line makes me feel some type of way. (I’m not in chains in Jesus’s name…😂)

Although initially I felt it was too extreme a decision to make, I later realized that if I should open up myself to just any kind of thing, arts especially , I would not be able to dodge the consequences.

It brings to mind a certain book (title withheld) I read in Senior Secondary School that messed with my spirit for a long time. My curious self was eavesdropping on a conversation about this book and how “nice” it was. They were discussing the story, how it was developed, what they liked and what not, etc. This review of theirs sparked an interest in me to read it. It was a romance novel, and the sucker for love that I am was eager to read it. What made me more interested in it was the fact that almost everybody in my dormitory and class had read this book. Also, there was always some discussion going on about this book almost everywhere I went; at the dinning table, during prep, in the bathroom, in class, after “lights out” time in the dormitory; EVERYWHERE!

I finally read it and that was the beginning of so many bad things. My 14 year old self couldn’t get enough of it, I re-read it countless times. I wouldn’t be surprised if those brown leaves told you one day, that they were tired of me, because boy did I read the life out of that book! Years after reading that book, I struggled with lust. It was a real battle; one which leading songs at Scripture Union meetings weren’t enough to help me get out of. God helped me out of it eventually. But I realized that it was something I could have avoided. The bible did not lie when it said “Guard your heart with all diligence…“.

The other day, I heard the chorus of a certain song, and thought, “mmm…it’s lovely. Let me go and look for it.” I found it, and was listening to it. It got to a point, the singer was saying something along the lines of “when you love someone and you never felt like you’d lose them, then you’ve probably never loved before”, and I immediately knew that was the last time I was going to listen to it. Because guess what, the bible says “there is no fear in love”. Why should I have the fear of losing someone I love? It makes no sense.

In this age of extreme digitization, coming across contradictory content has become a lot simpler; you don’t necessarily have to subscribe / follow someone / a page to consume their content. There is the probability of you seeing something (ungodly) popping up on your timeline, because it’s a sponsored advert. And so you have to constantly be on guard to remove all of those things from your space (physical, mental, spiritual or online). That could be reporting a tweet, unfollowing, muting or blocking someone, or selecting the “I don’t want to see this ad” option.

The devil will try to convince you to listen once more, or watch it once more or read it once more, because it is apparently “not that deep”. But I tell you, it is “that” deep. That one listen/read/view is you handing over your defenses to that particular thing. It’s you saying, “take me to wherever place you want” and there’s hardly any turning back from there. Please don’t give into the false strength / hope the devil presents to us, saying ” it’s just one listen/view/read/drink/puff/hangout. It won’t affect you.” It WILL affect you.

At all cost, let’s be very mindful of the kind of content we consume. Considering the immense power of arts (especially), one cannot predict how one will react or respond to it.
It’s not “just a song, or just a book, or just a beat”; it carries it’s own spirit and motivation. Therefore if you sense anything that speaks contrary to what the word of God says, get rid of it IMMEDIATELY.

I pray for you that you always walk in the Holy Spirit, and if you’re suffering the consequences of not walking away from a temptation, it is my prayer that you experience freedom in your spirit, body and mind in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Much love,
Debss. ❤